New book COMING SOON...

Sisters in Survival

A book written for survivors, by survivors.

Sisters in Survival is a sweeping call for justice for survivors of sexual assault who were failed by the legal system.

More than words on a page.
This is the beginning of a movement.

Letter to Survivors

Tiffany Edens

Dear Sister,

I’m so glad you found us amid the challenging journey of recovery from sexual assault. I know the profound difficulties you face—how it can feel like a painful, scary, uphill battle. Remember, you bear no responsibility for the actions perpetrated against you—none! Regardless of the circumstances, it was not your fault, full stop!

Your power, your voice, and control—these were all taken away from you, and you can reclaim them. I want you to know that you can do this. I believe in you!

I hope you find solace in knowing you’re not alone. While we may not be acquainted personally (yet), we share an unspoken bond as survivors of sexual assault. Our paths may differ, but I understand the emotions and challenges you’ve faced—shame, embarrassment, denial, terror, PTSD, fight or flight response, rage, night terrors, memory loss, confusion, sadness, and grief.

Early on, the ways you choose to process what happened to you may seem destructive, and you may feel like you’re not making progress. Perhaps, like me, you took the path of using substances to cope, and that’s understandable—it helped us navigate those difficult moments when we didn’t have other tools to process. Sis, you no longer need to mask the haunting emotions; this is a judgment-free zone.

That said, don’t ever compare your journey to others’, and give yourself grace. I’ve been on this healing journey for 37 years. I celebrated 9 years of recovery in September 2023—that timeline should show you that healing can take a long time, and that’s okay. Be kind to yourself, and refrain from comparisons.

If I could infuse you with my courage, hope, and strength, I would. I sponsor and mentor numerous women with stories like ours, guiding them through the healing process. In their darkest moments, I tell them, “Pretend I am right by your side,” and I want you to do the same. I’m right here with you, and I’ve got your back!

Together, we can overcome this, Sis, and you can find your voice again. You’re not alone. I am your Sister in Survival. Recovery is attainable, your voice can return, and you can use it to inspire change and aid the next Sister with a similar story.

My sincere hope is that Sisters in Survival provides you with comfort, validation, encouragement, and empowerment as we travel the road of recovery together.

Letter to Survivors

Danielle Tudor

Navigating trauma is a lifelong journey,

not a destination to be reached.

Dear Sister,

They say time heals all wounds, but I disagree. The pain may ease over time, but our journey of processing thoughts, feelings, and emotions comes in seasons. It took me years to realize that navigating trauma is a lifelong journey, not a destination to be reached. Thirty years passed before I was willing to unwrap the pain hidden so deeply in my heart. I was a victim who tried to ignore a brutal rape, convinced that denial could erase the past. I created an abyss between my rape and the person I was becoming, only to face that innocent 17-year-old version of myself years later when asked to come forward and share my story. Reading the decades-old police report as part of the process forced me to integrate her into my present, a painful, vital step toward healing and freedom from shame and guilt. Since then, I have used my story to advocate for others and forge a path to change a broken criminal justice system. I was denied justice, and now I want to turn that evil into good for others.

I share this, Sister, because I want you to know that our experiences don’t define us. We can’t change what happened to us, but we do hold the power to shape the rest of our story. I want you to know what I wish I had known sooner. Don’t be afraid. Embrace every part of the journey, because each season brings back a lost piece of yourself. Healing is not linear, and we Sisters in Survival are here to navigate it together.

Unbreakable bonds of connection with other survivors are key to our healing. How many times have you heard the stinging, soul-wounding words, “Aren’t you over it yet?” Sisters in Survival challenges that notion. We are a community offering encouragement, hope, and continued healing. The fact that you’re reading this shows me that you’re ready to join the anthem and the community of women supporting women.

On the days when you feel overwhelmed, defeated, or alone, I want you to know—you’re not. Your story matters. You belong. You are going to make it. And together, we’ll experience the joy in living a life that we define.

Your Sister in Survival,
