New book COMING SOON...

Sisters in Survival

A book written for survivors, by survivors.

Sisters in Survival is a sweeping call for justice for survivors of sexual assault who were failed by the legal system.

More than words on a page.
This is the beginning of a movement.

Healing is found in survivors helping survivors.

Danielle Tudor and Tiffany Edens are sisters not by blood, but through an ill twist of fate. They are both victims of Richard Troy Gillmore–“The Jogger Rapist.”

Their story spans more than  35 years of tragic and infuriating events. After all, the crime was only the beginning; the start of an uphill battle against a legal system that failed not just Danielle and Tiffany, but seven other victims of Gillmore.

As of 2022, Gillmore walks free. Released early from his prison sentence, Gillmore underwent the STATIC 99, a highly controversial, unreliable evaluation for sexual offenders. As a result, he was classified  as a “level one” sex offender; akin to a person convicted of public urination.

Despite the renewed fear that Gillmore’s victims have experienced  following his release, Danielle and Tiffany continue to stand strong, tirelessly working to catalyze  systemic change within a legal system that prioritizes the rights of offenders over the rights of victims.

Tiffany and Danielle’s story has already inspired thousands through their advocacy. Notably catching the attention of Dr. Phil, psychologist and television personality, the Joyful Heart Foundation, founded by actress Mariska Hargitay, and Jim Clemente, writer and producer of Criminal Minds, and creator of Real Crime Profile.

Now, their highly-anticipated book, Sisters in Survival (a working title), aims to inspire and educate for widespread change.

Through Tiffany and Danielle's story, readers will find the courage to use their voices, champion the resilience of survivors, and advocate for legislative change.

This book is dedicated to the nine named victims of Richard Troy Gillmore and countless unknown victims still suffering in silence.

We stand in solidarity with you.

Readers of Sisters in Survival will learn

Legal Western system favors offenders over victims' rights.

STATIC 99 is inadequate for predicting re-offense risks.

Each sexual crime survivor's journey is unique.

All victims deserve to be acknowledged and heard.

Trauma grief has no set timeline.

Criminal trauma deeply affects mind and body.

Healing is found in survivors helping survivors.

Non-survivors must become allies and use their voices for judicial change.

Trauma often leads to addiction.